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Everyone Started Somewhere.
Before they were famous, celebrities had normal jobs like you and me. Before they were famous, they acted in TV commercials and weird movies and had other odd jobs. This site celebrates the unique path that each celebrity took to stardom and proves that you can make it to the top even from humble beginnings. All trivia is submitted by users so please help us build the archive and submit your own trivia too. Browse your favorite stars and see what they did before they were famous!

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Tom Cruise
At an early age, Tom Cruise joined a seminary in order to become a priest. Cruise also spent a short time in Kentucky where he was a paperboy for the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Miley Cyrus
Before major fame in Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus got her start by appearing in a 2003 episode of her father's short-lived series "Doc."
Kurt Warner
Early in his football career, MVP quarterback Kurt Warner was actually cut from the NFL and had to take a job in a grocery store to make ends meet.
David Letterman
David Letterman was a stock boy at Atlas grocery store in Indianapolis. He was also a weatherman on the local news in Indianapolis, and a writer on the TV show "Good Times."